
YU Bin Scholarly Activities


  • The Government of China [Mason Crest Publishers China Series] (Stockton, NJ.: OTTN Publishing, 2006).
  • 《瞬间的力量:9/11后的美国与世界》[Power of the moment: America and the world after 9-11] , 北京新华出版社[New China Press, 2002, co-authored with Hao Yufan [郝雨凡].
  • Mao’s Generals Remember Korea (University of Press Kansas, June 2001), co-author with Li Xiao-bing and Allan Millett.
  • The Northeastern Pacific Quadrangle Fifty Years After: Balance of Power and Back to the Future (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 1997).
  • Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong Relations in a Changing World (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 1996), ed., with Chung Tsungting[钟从定].
  • 《变化中的台湾:观察与思考》[Taiwan in transition: observations and reflection] (Hong Kong Social Sciences Service Center [香港社会科学中心], 1994), ed., with Lan Zhiyong [蓝志勇].

Translated books (译著)

  • 《李普曼传》[ Ronald Steel, Walter Lippmann and the American Century, 1979] (北京新华出版社, 1982; 北京中信出版社再版,2008) [与谈锋、陈小平合译]。
  • 《朝鲜:未透露的战争》 [Joseph Goulden, Korea, The Untold Story of the War, New York: Time Books, 1982] (北京解放军出版社, 1990) [与谈锋、陈功合译]。
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