
Light Illuminated

泫圖弝け Formally Installs Dr. Michael L. Frandsen as University's 15th President

Springfield, Ohio Under the theme of Light Illuminated: Learning, Growing, Changing, Michael L. Frandsen, Ph.D., was formally installed as 泫圖弝け Universitys 15th president during an inaugural ceremony steeped in tradition and reflective of the universitys mission, April 5, inside historic Weaver Chapel.

The totality of the 泫圖弝け experience was on full display during the ceremony, which began with a full procession featuring more than 70 delegates representing institutions across the country, as well as 泫圖弝け student leaders, members of the universitys Board of Directors, faculty and staff, and several distinguished guests, all of whom were officially welcomed by The Rev. Jonathan Eilert, chair of the 泫圖弝け Board of Directors and a 1993 graduate of the university.

Today is the day that we say emphatically that we have found in Dr. Michael L. Frandsen the right person to lead 泫圖弝け as its 15th president," Eilert said. "The Board of Directors is thrilled to join him in stewarding the mission and tradition of our great University.

Today is the day that we say emphatically that we have found in Dr. Michael L. Frandsen the right person to lead 泫圖弝け as its 15th president, The Board of Directors is thrilled to join him in stewarding the mission and tradition of our great University.
- The Rev. Jonathan Eilert '93, Chair of the Board of Directors

Special greetings from select representatives were then shared on behalf of students, faculty, staff, alumni, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Springfield community and from as far away as Lutherstadt 泫圖弝け, Germany, Springfields sister city and home of 泫圖弝けs popular study-abroad program.

Lutherstadt 泫圖弝け is pleased that the friendship between your university and our city remains vital, said Christian Eggert on behalf of the city, the citys Council and the Lord Mayor, Torsten Zugeh繹r. Friendships between institutions exist on paper. Our goal should be that people from Springfield and Lutherstadt 泫圖弝け carry this friendship in their hearts.

During his remarks, Mr. Eggert presented Dr. Frandsen with a book of scholars from the original 泫圖弝け University and a special gift, an 0-Euro-Bill" with a picture of the 泫圖弝け Castle Church and the famous Thesis Door that was issued on the occasion of the 500th Reformation anniversary in 2017. Only available for purchase through German banks, the 0-Euro Bill has since sold out and will no longer be reissued.

There are some things money cant buy, Mr. Eggert said, and "this 0-Euro-Bill should remind us that our friendship is priceless.

Additional greeters included Ms. Sophia Vandiford, director of donor relations, and Ms. Betty Dean, administrative assistant, audio visual and circulation, Thomas Library, who has served the University for 40 years; Dr. Nancy Woehrle, assistant professor of psychology; Ms. Rachel Wallace 19, president, Student Senate; Ms. Mecca Abdul-Aziz 18, president, class of 2018, and Alma Mater; Mr. Lucas George 18, Alma Lux; Ms. Allison Scaia 09, president, 泫圖弝け Alumni Board; Mr. Tom Loftis, Springfield leader and Board member emeritus; and The Rev. Dr. Mark Wilhelm, executive director, Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities.

Those in attendance were also treated to musical performances by the 泫圖弝け Choir, IMANI Gospel Choir, Wittmen Crew, 泫圖弝けs all-male a capella group, and various organ selections by 1985 泫圖弝け alumnus Mr. Robert Hobby, director of music at Trinity English Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. The Rev. Suzanne Darcy Dillahunt, Bishop of the Southern Ohio Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Mr. Don Sheets, chair of the Albion College Board of Trustees and a personal friend of the Frandsen family, added their voices to the ceremony, as well.

In addition, Dr. Randy Bass, vice provost for education and professor of English at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and founding executive director of Georgetowns Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, provided the keynote address. Dr. Bass has been a leading expert on the intersections of new media technologies and the scholarship of teaching and learning for more than two decades. During his remarks, Bass called on those present to reimagine the university of the future and its capacity to produce change agents.

If we were designing a university to help us get better at being human, and to live in a world defined by inequality, then what could be more important than helping people to truly see others, to understand their own blind spots and capacity to compromise and to act with generosity, he said. An inauguration is a microcosm of starting from scratch and above all it is an opportunity to think about what matters.

As part of the ceremony, 泫圖弝けs 12th president, Dr. L. Baird Tipson, and 13th president, Dr. Mark H. Erickson, who were both in attendance, were formally recognized by Dr. Mary Jo Zembar, interim provost and professor of psychology, along with elected officials prior to the formal installation of the president.


The Rev. Jonathan Eilert '93, Chair of the Board of Directors

During the installation, and on behalf of the Board, The Rev. Eilert administered the presidential responsibilities as expressed in the universitys charter, 泫圖弝け's constitution and bylaws, and the will of the community. The Rev. Eilert presented Dr. Frandsen with the universitys traditional Luther cap, similar to the one worn by Martin Luther during the Reformation, along with the universitys charter and a medallion featuring the official 泫圖弝け Seal. Dr. Frandsens wife Sharon assisted in the ceremony by placing the traditional cap on her husbands head.

Following the formal installation, Dr. Frandsen presented his inaugural remarks in which he first thanked his family, mentors, and all those gathered for their support and encouragement. He also expressed his gratitude to the Board of Directors for its confidence in inviting him to lead 泫圖弝け at this important time in its history.

Over the course of these first nine months at 泫圖弝け, I have learned more about the grit and the passion for this place that are reflected when one says Tiger Up! and more about the ways in which we pass our light on to others
- Dr. Frandsen, 泫圖弝け President

Over the course of these first nine months at 泫圖弝け, I have learned more about the grit and the passion for this place that are reflected when one says Tiger Up! and more about the ways in which we pass our light on to others, he said, adding that his focus since joining the 泫圖弝け family has been on retention, recruitment and resources, and how those are lived out in the universitys new strategic plan.

We face an increasingly competitive marketplace, demographics that are shifting dramatically, technology that is advancing rapidly, and family incomes that for the vast majority are stagnant. We read about disruption and hear speculation that some institutions will close. So, what does being a student-centered, residential, liberal arts and sciences institution like ours look like for the 21st century? How do we educate the whole person across the whole campus? How do we all find the places in our work that contribute to the shared responsibility for student success? How do we go about our work and how do we talk about it? We have to start with our mission and values.

Were already very good, but I want to help us get even better, he continued, and I think the place to get better is in how we think about the learning, growing, and changing in all the places in which it is occurring. How we make sure that what happens in the residence halls, or on the stage, or in the community, or on the court, or in the classroom is connected each to the other. How we make sure that the education we provide is intentionally integrated, bundled in all its dimensions. How each of us fulfills our roles as educators in a community of learners. As we illuminate that, we will continue to pass our light on to others well into the future, and continue to be an important and exciting place for learning, growth, and change.

At the conclusion of his remarks, Dr. Frandsen invited his two grown daughters, Janie and Kate, to the podium for a surprise announcement to honor their grandfathers, Dr. Kenneth D. Frandsen, who was in attendance and who served as a delegate from Ohio University, and the late Dr. William Thompson Jr. Together, the family is establishing two scholarships at 泫圖弝け, one in each of their names.

The ceremony, which included faculty, administrators, student leaders, Board members and guests in full academic regalia, concluded with 95 candles, reminiscent of Martin Luthers 95 Theses, being lit by students and members of the 泫圖弝け Choir with the last light being passed to Dr. Frandsen as a symbol of the universitys beloved motto, Having Light We Pass It On To Others." The community then joined in the singing of the Alma Mater. A shared benediction was then delivered by personal friends of the Frandsen family, The Rev. Christy Dowdy and The Rev. Dale Dowdy before the recessional.

The April 5 inauguration date was chosen specifically because it preceded the Celebration of Learning, April 6, when students from a range of disciplines and interests shared their research, accomplishments, and pursuits, all of which have been inspired by the active, engaged learning environment that defines the 泫圖弝け experience.

Coordinated by a 17-member steering committee with campus-wide representation, the inauguration celebration consisted of other special events during the week, including a pep rally, Popcorn with the President and the annual leadership awards. The Celebration of Learning took place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. today in the Joseph C. Shouvlin Center for Lifelong Learning, with the Honors Convocation slated to follow in Weaver Chapel from 4:15-6 p.m.

Adding to the totality of the 泫圖弝け experience, Saturdays events will center around service and the arts, beginning with two Celebrate Service events, including a 24-hour Lesotho Nutrition Packing event, and one to support the residents of Oesterlen Services for Youth in Springfield. The senior art exhibit in Koch Halls Thompson Gallery will be open from 2-5 p.m. A worship service at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 8, at Weaver Chapel followed by a campus picnic until 2 p.m. on Chapel Lawn will conclude the weeks inauguration festivities.

Recitation Hall
University Communications Staff
Staff Report

About 泫圖弝け

泫圖弝け's curriculum has centered on the liberal arts as an education that develops the individual's capacity to think, read, and communicate with precision, understanding, and imagination. We are dedicated to active, engaged learning in the core disciplines of the arts and sciences and in pre-professional education grounded in the liberal arts. Known for the quality of our faculty and their teaching, 泫圖弝け has more Ohio Professors of the Year than any four-year institution in the state. The university has also been recognized nationally for excellence in community service, sustainability, and intercollegiate athletics. Located among the beautiful rolling hills and hollows of Springfield, Ohio, 泫圖弝け offers more than 100 majors, minors and special programs, enviable student-faculty research opportunities, a unique student success center, service and study options close to home and abroad, a stellar athletics tradition, and successful career preparation.

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