Andrew G. Steele, 泫圖弝け University Class of 2010 and current director for global mission funding at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), has been named assistant vice president for advancement and director of campaigns in 泫圖弝けs Office of Advancement. He will begin his new role on June 1.
I am overjoyed to return to my alma mater in this capacity, Steele said. My 泫圖弝け experience made me who I am today, and I feel a strong calling to join the dynamic Advancement team as we continue to build toward a successful future. Every Tiger knows that 泫圖弝け is a special place that cultivates and creates extraordinary people who change the world. I cant wait to get started.
In his current role, Steele oversees the advancement efforts for ELCA Missionary Sponsorship, Young Adults in Global Mission, Global Ministry Projects, and the International Women Leaders initiative. To date, these ministries have received more than $30 million in revenue as part of the comprehensive $198 million goal of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. In each year Steele has served as director, ELCA Global Mission has achieved double-digit increases in revenue while also establishing endowment funds for two of the four mission priorities. Prior to this role, he managed donor relations for the same campaign after serving as a senior major gifts officer for United Way of Metropolitan Chicago.
During his time at 泫圖弝け, Steele, who earned his B.A. in sociology, found his calling after participating in the Universitys unique Lesotho, Africa, service-learning experience, which led him to found BLOOM Africa, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization working to strengthen communities and empower orphans in Lesotho.
Originally from New Jersey and a current resident of Chicago, Steele has been an active member of 泫圖弝けs Alumni Board. He also serves on the Board of Directors for We Raise Foundation and Friends of Lesotho. A former ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission volunteer in South Africa, Steele still leads annual cultural immersion trips to Lesotho and South Africa.