Aprovecha." This is a word that I heard almost constantly when I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain, this past semester. It translates directly as take advantage, but really is a command to seize the day. The Sevillanos use it in almost every context; you buy a coffee and the waitress says aprovecha instead of the typical adios.
As Ive reflected back on my four years in college, Ive come to realize that aprovecha is something that Witt has taught me to do every day. In the past four years, Ive served as budgeting & assessment chair of Union Board, treasurer of the class of 2018, Student Center programming manager, student representative for the Teaching Effectiveness Committee, Student Organization Senator, and Delta Gamma House manager. When I wasnt partaking in my various campus involvement activities, I was working studiously as an undecided major then as a nursing major and finally, as a Spanish and finance double major. Needless to say, Ive taken advantage of every opportunity that 泫圖弝け has offered me and would like to provide my four years of sleep deprivation as proof.