
#WittWed: Paden Frank '10 & Kori Gunther '10

We met on the first day of New Student Days in the fall of 2006, having both enrolled in the same WittSem with Dr. Kent Dixon, putting us in the same group for orientation activities.

After a few events, I thought Paden was cute, and I overheard him tell someone he was auditioning for the New Student Showcase that evening. Having been involved in the theater in high school, I decided I, too, would participate, and thus we entered that adventure together too.

We began dating that autumn, going on our first date with my best friend, fellow Alum Valerie OBrien (10), who would ultimately serve as the Maid of Honor at our wedding. Paden began his Theater Major, as I began with mine in Music Education. I switched from music to middle childhood education, with emphasis on math and English. Paden soon began an education minor, and once again, we met it together!

After four years and graduation, we made the agreement that the first one to get a job would dictate where we would look for a house. I won, receiving an offer at my former middle school to teach 8th grade math in Springfield. We bought a house the next year, and Paden proposed on the day we got the keys.

We were wed in Weaver Chapel on March 9, 2013. Our wedding featured two additional alums, Dani Eller (09) and Hannah Scherger (08), and we had our reception in the CDR among family, friends, and a great crowd of Witt alum. We had our daughter, River, in July of 2015.

After teaching locally for twelve years, I stepped away from education and found myself returning to 泫圖弝け this time as a member of the staff. I have begun a position in the Business Office in Recitation Hall, and it feels so good to be home again.

Paden Frank '10 and Kori Gunther '10

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